                       LUIS "IAGO"  GUTIERREZ                                                                 & 

*"Iago" is Shakespeare's false friend to Othello who feigned friendship while he
cleverly, sneakily  and out of jealousy schemed the destruction of his Black "friend". *

Immediately BELOW is another attention-seeking clown who uses demeaning
references to Black Americans in order to further his agenda of...whatever. 
We saw his original interview which has been, for whatever reason, shortened
to not include his ugly little ending ditty that elevated his "Brown" over "Black".  
It went something like this:  "If you're White, you're alright.  If you're Brown,
you're one down.  If you're Black, GO BACK".  Back to where, MF?  And last
time we looked, it was "Brown" who was being "sent back".  

Now,  we have no desire to disparage or disrespect or USE "Brown Folks" in
comparative self-serving dialogue.  So enough said on that account. But this damn
fool needed to be checked.  Even in what is presented below, this pompous,
ego-inflated knucklehead uses Sessions to stir folks up toward rallying behind
"him" and "his" MAIN cause--"Immigration"...while  casting himself as the hero
with the microphone who will save us all. Ol' clever Leader Louie tactically rails
against the usual "common Old White Guy enemy" ...personified in Sessions.
Hey, cat, yo' sneaky sideways sh--was as bad for Black Folks as anything Sessions
has said, lately.  

We're gonna add a "Clown Page" to our website... and our little "Brown Savior",
Luis Vicente Gutierrez,  will be joined by the fella("Dick Durbin--below) who ran
similar weak game to Luis's in offering a bullsh-- self-serving "invented" explanation
of how Black Americans, supposedly, are pained every time  they hear
"chain migration".  
"SHI-HOLE" MEETS "BULLSH-T":   Don't know who this fella "Dick"
Durbin "really" is, but...
...his ugly cynical, self-invented/misinformed "alternative" definition of  "chain-migration" and connecting it to been-here-for-6/7/8 generations-or-more Black Americans  in order to advance his condemnation of
Trump is no less  disrespectful or profane than Trump's own "shit-hole" remark about recent "immigrants".  Worse, actually.    Fact:  Not one
single Black American we spoke to ever heard or thought of "chain migration" as having anything to do with Black Americans who were
slaves at the origin of this country.  Nowhere in any "definition" of chain migration is Durbin's bullcrap mentioned.  Durbin "dissed" Black folks
who were in and of this land long before Durbin's own ancestors immigrated from Ireland(father) and Lithuania(mother--actually born
in Lithuania).    Please, enough of the phony, weasel-clever use by self-serving "liberal carpet-baggers" of "Native" Black Americans to advance their own political lives and agendas.   Sickening. 
DURBIN'S reported by Durbin:  "I said to the president, 'Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African-Americans believe they migrated to America in
chains and when you talk about 'chain migration, it hurts
them personally'."

                  TROTTER BLACKSTONE

          GO EAGLES!

...and please,  no crying, whiny, sad-ass helpless
commercials by ALLSTATE featuring Black
Americans "begging" not to be passed by and
forgotten.  Any Black(or any other thinking
person) who uses Allstate is supporting the
continued psychological assault on Black Children
of the worst kind. Media ads over-normalizing of downtrodden and helplessness featuring Black
adults and children is evil.     

...Bill Cosby is from Philly...and in a parallel
universe he did not do his dirty deeds and Native
Black Americans are still benefitting from the
voices of Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint.  1-4-18


We said we'd follow up--and so far?  The Black Woman hit the man
for no reason other than her own "problems".  We will not speculate
beyond saying it is proving out to be a completely unprovoked assault. 
What can you do?  Black Woman's a villain; a worst nightmare for an
old guy just taking his daily walk.  

The 91 year old man speaks to "forgiving" her.  And that speaks volumes
for his decency. Hopefully, the Black woman learns from her exceptional 
91 year old "Mexican" victim. And for him, we hope he lives a much longer,
happy Life--and never encounters anything like this as he walks the streets
in his grand-son's neighborhood, again.    

Unfortunately, unprovoked crap like this happens all the time.   

                                                                                           Trotter Blackstone July 15, 2018

The Black Woman who hit the 92 year old Mexican Man with a brick has been found.  In the very short followup report it was said, casually, that the man “accidentally bumped” into the woman’s child.  We at NativeBlackAmericanTv can’t help but wonder exactly what the “accidental bump” was--how did it go down?  Did the man try and avoid bumping into the kid. Or something else. Was he apologetic? Or did he have an “attitude”—before, during or after the so-called “accidental” bump.  It did not say the kid ran up on the man; it said the man "accidentally" bumped into the woman's child. 

Now, we contributed to the man’s recovery fund. And encouraged others to do the same. According to the tally so far,  $316,472 dollars has been raised for an initial goal of $15,000(for hospital costs).  Fair enough.  But we are curious to know WHY the Black Woman “went off”.  Does she have a record of being violent?  What is HER side of the story?  We’re not saying that she should have bricked the old guy under any circumstances—but a Mother attacks a man with her child in tow?  Why? 

The whole “initial” story is slanted toward a random Black Woman attacking a random old Mexican man for no other reason than he was a “Mexican” in America. Is that all there is to it?

                                                                                                                    Trotter Blackstone July 12, 2018


This some Klan sh--, right here. The Black woman who initiated this, if unprovoked(and if story is true as reported), is of same ilk as any blind hate-group member in America. 'Worse, because she should know better.  No "Legacy" here...

GoFundMe campaign to help cover Rodriguez's medical costs..."least" some of us can do.
                                                                                                                              Trotter Blackstone July 10, 2018

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to your own country'

On July 4th at around 7pm, my grandfather Rodolfo Rodriguez  whose 92 years of age was going for his daily walk around the block when he was assaulted by and African American lady and five other guys. He is doing really bad, has a lot of bruises on his face and a broken cheekbone.
Click: Blackstone on